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Ceiling-fan25 • 2 years ago

2:35 Why does she sound for real concerned? She never cares about Conan

6:14 Girl he is like 15 years older than you

8:07 Lmaooooo!!!

14:54 I swear people in this show have the worst peripheral vision ever, like the body would've been the first thing you notice in the room, it's RIGHT THERE

LesK • 2 years ago

ok, the fanslators are either idiots or ignorant. 04:48 Ran specifically says (in Japanese) well i THINK she says, 'i didn't bring any tennis SPATS!' but Sonoko replies (once more in Japanese i think) 'i guess you'll have to wear regular PANTIES instead!' then Shin repeats it thinking of Ran in that skirt... 'normal pan... normal pan... pan... pan...' and once more the subs say 'normal socks'

all THREE times the fanslators' subs said SOCKS! :o it is a discussion about a tennis micro-mini-skirt... who the hell thinks SOCKS would fit in those sentences when Sonoko, Ran, and Shin are looking at a skirt?

OPWOLEZ • 4 months ago

1058:) 03:47 no not the bad fansubs, its Makato not Maloto and why is Sonoko concerned about Conan? She usually thinks of him as an annoying little kid. And at the start lol, I didn’t know who they were talking about when Kogoro said little Critter.
03:58 they’re both like each other it is kind of cute.
07:39 he is hella strong if he can lift a car like that

Mir • 2 years ago

sometimes conan acts so cute and just like a real child that I forget he's actually shinichi

strange guy • 1 year ago

Hoping this time the previews come back

strange guy • 1 year ago

Oh yeah I think detective Conan has a lot of anime music endings for a longrunning anime

OPWOLEZ • 4 months ago

Around 63 smthg

strange guy • 1 year ago

One more episode to episode 333

bari • 2 years ago

ran that sound is not a crying sound HAHAH

plutoxoxo • 1 month ago

oh- I didn't know Shinichi is a pervert like that..... it's kinda cute but omg
THE RAIN LMAOZKZLZLL it ain't happening give it up you two 🤣

who tf fishes a CAR????? he thinks he can stop it LMAOOOOO
poor conan... he can't catch a break...

gunma... it's him i just know it. omg yamamura i love his silly ass 🤣

he stood on the police investigator's leg on his little feet???? 😭

the guy is apologizing for getting them involved in a death on their vacation lmaoooo lkttle does he know, this happens daily they're more than used to it by now 💀

Satilinethejay • 10 months ago

2:22, aww he called Conan a "little critter". 2:31 and 2:37, look how cute he is. 2:54, "Suspicious Spicy Curry" ....why, why did they have to call it that, I hope there are no human remains in the curry. That's all I can think when I see a title like that, and the fact that people get murdered in this show. They weren't talking about socks but shorts right? 7:42, ok but like how strong is he to lift that car. 8:04, oh no Conan! 8:12, Sonoko likes to act like she doesn't care about Conan some times (she's a bit of a tsundere, kinda like Kogoro) but moments like this show she does, she's a nice person after all. 9:01, ah, he sounds awful, poor Conan. 16:02, it's funny how Yamamura is the only inspector they have this reaction to. 20:07, lol the way he just jumped onto that officers lap, you can''t do that Conan, it's rude, at least ask first. 20:40, lol look at the cop he's just staring at Conan.

TheHunted • 1 year ago

As I reread it,
It is impossible not to be enchanted by this manga!

christian engesæt • 2 years ago

Dont get the japan fetish here

strange guy • 1 year ago


Delta Chi • 1 year ago

I shouldn't get the fetish he
Or you don't understand the japanese fetish?